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Ungelesen 02.12.16, 09:54   #1
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VidePub v1

VidePub 1.5.1
Englisch / Setup & Portable

If you are a TV series enthusiast, then you probably wanted to save certain episodes and watch them again, after they aired. However, recording TV content might prove to be inconvenient, since every once in a while, commercials interrupt your episode. In addition, shows that air on TV usually display a logo somewhere on the window and can feel intrusive. You can rely on specialized software, such as VidePub, to help you cut your clip according to your needs, thus removing commercials and unwanted logos.

Note that this program requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 in order to run properly.

Minimalistic user interface
This application comes with a plain, unattractive user interface that provides you with no additional configuration window, menu or pane whatsoever. Yet, given its simplistic functions, it can prove to be highly accessible even for novices.

The first time you run this utility, it might be unclear what its core functions are, therefore you might rely on the helpful user guide to figure it out.

Rudimentary video cutter

Although this program was designed as a video cutter, it can handle only TS format, thus offering you limited functionality.

You can use VidePub in order to edit your video content, so that you can remove commercials and additional logos as well. The program can be set to automatically identify parts that can be removed, but you can also manually select a frame where the logo is displayed with a high contrast, then you can draw a box around it and safely get rid of it.

Automatic logo detection

After editing a file and removing unwanted items, you can store the result to your computer, so that every time a video with the same logo is played, the program can suggest you to automatically modify it.

In conclusion, you can use VidePub to remove certain parts of your videos, such as commercials or logos, but you might need to consult the user guide first.

Größe: 63,00 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 32 + 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online
Passwort: Keins

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Download 02.12.16, 09:54   Top
Mitglied seit: Aug 2014
Beiträge: 13.627
VidePub v1


VidePub v1

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