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Ungelesen 17.07.15, 18:30   #1
Benutzerbild von Varadero
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Windows KMS Activator by AR_Alex v3

Windows KMS Activator by AR_Alex v3.0.2

Englisch // 17.07.2015


Windows KMS Activator by AR_Alex v3.0.2

The first trigger to KMS activate Windows 8.1 and 10 with KMS for 3 or 6 months and renewal as many times we want. for now this new trigger only works with internet connection.

Currently we support these editions...

====Windows 10====
All Windows 10 (auch Build 10240) Editions

====Windows 8.1====
-Windows 8.1 Pro
-Windows 8.1 Pro N
-Windows 8.1 Pro with WMC
-Windows 8.1 Core
-Windows 8.1 Core N
-Windows 8.1 Core Single Language
-Windows 8.1 Enterprise
-Windows 8.1 Enterprise N
-Windows Server 2012 R2 Server Standard
-Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter
-Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials

====Office 2013====
-Office 2013 Professional Plus
-Office 2013 Standard
-Project 2013 Professional
-Project 2013 Standard
-Visio 2013 Professional
-Visio 2013 Standard

-Tell us if there is any unsupported version in the activator so I can fix it
-This program works offline and online
-SECO Injector V2.4.2 is now integrated with the program
-As always credits go to all those mdl devs for that extraordinary work with the emulator

Changelog: 3.0.2:
-Critical bug fix with Windows 10 kms
-Should now be fully compatible with Windows 10
-Removed the .exe compiler that was causing trouble
-.bat file will run the same or better than .exe file
-Batch will run as administrator automatically
-Office on top of windows 10 compability will come...[/B]

3 Mb (RAR/EXE)
Microsoft Windows /8/8.1/10 + Office 2013 (32 oder 64-Bit)
Parts: 1

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Download 17.07.15, 18:30   Top
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Windows KMS Activator by AR_Alex v3

Ungelesen 30.07.15, 15:46   #2 Top
Benutzerbild von bashx
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Windows KMS Activator by AR_Alex v3

läuft wunderbar bei windows 10 home, man dankt

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Ungelesen 30.07.15, 20:27   #3 Top
Benutzerbild von nolayde
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Windows KMS Activator by AR_Alex v3

kann irgendjemand verifizieren ob dieser activator clean ist?
momentan gibt's leider noch sehr viele fakes..

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Ungelesen 30.07.15, 20:27   #4 Top
Benutzerbild von nolayde
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Windows KMS Activator by AR_Alex v3

kann irgendjemand verifizieren ob dieser activator clean ist?
momentan gibt's leider noch sehr viele fakes..

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Ungelesen 30.07.15, 20:57   #5 Top
Benutzerbild von serseri053
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Windows KMS Activator by AR_Alex v3

Zitat von nolayde Beitrag anzeigen
kann irgendjemand verifizieren ob dieser activator clean ist?
momentan gibt's leider noch sehr viele fakes..
Hab gerade Windows 10 pro aktiviert funktionieren tut es wirklich

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Ungelesen 31.07.15, 17:36   #6 Top
Benutzerbild von Handle2000
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Windows KMS Activator by AR_Alex v3

Wozu man bekommt windows 10 gratis als upgrade

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Ungelesen 31.07.15, 17:53   #7 Top
Benutzerbild von ugurano
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Windows KMS Activator by AR_Alex v3

ihr mit euren windows 10, dann gehts halt nicht, und nutz lieber windows 8.1 oder 7

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Ungelesen 25.08.15, 00:56   #8 Top
Benutzerbild von zwieb346
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Windows KMS Activator by AR_Alex v3

laut avg 3 trojaner...

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Ungelesen 12.10.16, 21:19   #9 Top
Benutzerbild von Kongo Otto
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Kongo Otto
Windows KMS Activator by AR_Alex v3

Läßt sich damit auch Windows 7 Ultimate x64 auf einem UEFI-System aktivieren ?

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Ungelesen 16.11.22, 18:51   #10 Top
Benutzerbild von procracks
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Windows KMS Activator by AR_Alex v3

KMSpico Activator Download | Official [Nov 2022]


KMSPico is the Activator used to activate Microsoft Products, such as Windows and Office. It is an actual virus and malware-free tool trusted by many people.

I use it for Windows activation. This excellent Activator works without the internet, and the installation process is quite simple.

If you are not getting the Windows update and the premium features for free, then KMSpico is a handy tool for activating windows and enjoying these features for free without paying a penny.

This Software was developed by respected TeamDaz and is also known as Windows 10 activator; they have also made other KMS tools like KMSAuto, and Windows 7 loader, which works automatically. They are going well for us.

So if anyone has a problem activating windows, follow this simple guide to learn how to do it quickly. Also, you will find the download link.

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